If you have Mars in your natal chart, it will be especially impactful for you. Read more about this below.
What is Mars transit?
When a planet moves from one zodiac sign to another it is known to transit. Thus, when Mars moves from one zodiac to another, it will be known as Mars transit. Mars will stay in one zodiac sign for one and a half months only and this way, it will transit through all 12 zodiac signs. The house Mars is in will determine the type and intensity of its influence on us.
Vedic Astrology considers Mars transit in some houses as auspicious, for example in the 3rd, 6th, and 11th houses, and in others inauspicious, for example in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 12th houses. It is also known as Mangal Gochar 2024.
Mars Transit in 2024 in every house:
● 1st House: When Mars enters your 1st house you might face challenges. However, stay positive and dedicated to your goals. Remedy: Planting a pomegranate tree outside your house will act as a symbol of growth and resilience.
● 2nd House: When Mars enters your 2nd house, it might end up being an unfavorable time for you, including financial losses and relationship turbulence. Remedy: Offer food to monkeys on Tuesdays.
● 3rd House: When Mars enters your 3rd house, you will experience a boost of positive energy. You will be enthusiastic and confident. Long-term goals will become clearer. Utilize this energy to its best by staying connected to your loved ones.
● 4th House: When Mars enters your 4th house, you might feel challenged in your life situations. If you encounter negativity or conflicts, you should practice patience. Remedy: Recite Hanuman Chalisa at a Hanuman temple.
● 5th House: When Mars enters your 5th house, prepare yourself for a few conflicts. However, all these conflicts will teach you patience and perseverance. Remedy: planting a neem tree and offering shradha to your ancestors will help.
● 6th House: When Mars enters your 6th House, it will be a favorable period for you. Your energy and optimism will serve you well! Remember to channel your energy most effectively by offering prayers at the Hanuman temple.
● 7th House: When Mars enters your 7th House, you might experience a myriad of new emotions, especially in your familial relationships. Manage your anger properly. Remedy: offer food or sweet items at a religious place.
● 8th House: When Mars enters your 8th House, it will be returning to its own house and this is why it will be a challenging time for you. Mars’ energy may amplify any negative energy so be careful. Remedy: At a religious place, offer jaggery, rice or gram pulse.
● 9th House: When Mars enters your 9th House, you may face struggles on your path to success. You may also feel dissatisfied with your life but keep a positive outlook. Remedy: Gift copper-based artifacts to your loved ones.
● 10th House: you may have to transform into a better, stronger version of yourself. There will be a dynamic energy all around you so utilize this energy to stay balanced and assertive. Remedy: during this time, avoid selling any ancestral property or gold.
● 11th House: When Mars enters your 11th House, you will newness and excitement, along with a boost in your financial well-being. Wear red frequently to enhance this positivity.
● 12th House: When Mars enters your 12th House, there might be a series of challenges sent your way. But persevere and be patient. Remedy: Grow holy plants and offer prayers regularly.
Year of Number 8
2024 is the year of number 8 (2+0+2+4). Number 8 has a unique vibration and meaning in numerology. 8 is the number of power, abundance, and success. It also represents balance. It is particularly associated with financial success and wealth. This energy of number 8 will influence you in many ways.
There will be growth and expansion in all areas of your life. It will be a time of financial prosperity, growth, and development. As they say, growth comes with pain. You might experience growing pains through number 8’s energy of challenge. It has a strong and intense energy which can sometimes feel challenging to experience.
8 represents karma and is a representation of justice. Thus, you will reap the karma for what you have sown until now. If you have been hardworking, you will reap abundance. If you have been dishonest, you might face strong consequences.
In Angeloly, Angel Cahetel represents the number eight as a number with the energy of interceding conflicts and confrontations. His message is to avoid calamities as it shields you against negative energies. It also implies abundance in agriculture.
Make the most of the year 2024 by staying grounded and balanced. Since it is a year of balance, whatever is unbalanced in your life will fall away. It will be a mix of letting go of old energy and welcoming in new energy.
Overall, number 8 will ensure that the year 2024 will be full of powerful transformation. Stay balanced to make most of number 8’s energy.