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  • Bhakoot Dosha and Its Impact - Dhwani Astro

      16 March 2023 •  By : Dhwani Astro  Comments
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    Bhakoot Dosha is a term used in Vedic astrology that refers to a certain type of dosha or flaw that can arise in a horoscope or birth chart. Bhakoot Dosha occurs when the Moon signs of the prospective bride and groom are in a particular combination that is considered to be unfavorable. In this guide, we will discuss the impact of Bhakoot Dosha on a relationship and various remedies to mitigate its effects. Bhakoot dosha occurs when the Moon signs of the prospective bride and groom are in certain positions in relation to each other, which can result in a lack of harmony, emotional distance, and communication problems in their married life.

    The severity of the Bhakoot dosha depends on the position of the Moon signs of the couple. There are 7 types of Bhakoot dosha based on the position of the Moon signs in the horoscope. Some positions are considered more severe than others, and a high level of Bhakoot dosha is believed to increase the chances of marital discord or even separation.

    However, it's important to note that astrology is a complex and nuanced subject, and the presence of Bhakoot dosha does not necessarily mean that a marriage will be unhappy or unsuccessful. Many other factors, such as the compatibility of the couple's personalities, values, and lifestyles, also play a significant role in determining the success of a marriage.

    Bhakoot Dosha is a significant flaw in a horoscope that can have a negative impact on a relationship. However, there are several remedies that can help mitigate its effects, such as performing a puja, practicing meditation, and seeking astrological guidance. It is important to consider other factors in the horoscope or birth chart when assessing the impact of Bhakoot Dosha. It is also important to remember that astrology is not an exact science, and the success of these remedies may vary from person to person. Therefore, it is essential to approach astrology and its remedies with an open mind and a spirit of inquiry.


    Impact of Bhakoot Dosha:

    Bhakoot Dosha is considered to be a significant flaw in a horoscope, and its presence can have a negative impact on the relationship. Here are some of the potential effects of Bhakoot Dosha:

    1. Delay in marriage: Bhakoot Dosha can cause delays in getting married, especially if the dosha is severe.
    2. Marital discord: The presence of Bhakoot Dosha can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and tensions in the relationship. This can lead to a breakdown of the relationship.
    3. Health issues: Bhakoot Dosha is also associated with health problems that can affect either partner.
    4. Financial problems: The presence of Bhakoot Dosha can also cause financial problems in the relationship, leading to stress and tension


    Remedies for Bhakoot Dosha:

    Fortunately, there are several remedies that can help mitigate the effects of Bhakoot Dosha. Here are some of the most effective remedies:

    1. Perform a puja: Performing a puja or prayer can help alleviate the negative effects of Bhakoot Dosha. The puja should be performed by a qualified priest and should be done with devotion and sincerity.
    2. Perform charitable acts: Performing charitable acts such as donating to a charity or feeding the poor can also help alleviate the negative effects of Bhakoot Dosha. This can help bring positive energy and blessings to the relationship.
    3. Practice meditation: Practicing meditation and yoga can help calm the mind and reduce stress and tension, which can help mitigate the effects of Bhakoot Dosha.
    4. Seek astrological guidance: Consulting with an experienced astrologer can help identify the severity of Bhakoot Dosha and recommend specific remedies to mitigate its effects.
    5. Delay marriage: If Bhakoot Dosha is severe, it may be advisable to delay the marriage until the dosha is mitigated. This can help prevent potential problems in the relationship.
    6. Consider other factors: It is important to consider other factors in the horoscope or birth chart when assessing the impact of Bhakoot Dosha. For example, if other factors such as the placement of the planets are favorable, then the negative effects of Bhakoot Dosha may be less severe.


    If you're concerned about Bhakoot dosha in your own horoscope or that of your prospective partner, it's important to consult with a reputable and experienced astrologer who can provide more detailed insights and guidance based on your individual circumstances. Dhwani Astro is one of the best platform that offers free consultation from the top astrologers in India. Additionally, it's always a good idea to focus on building a strong foundation of love, respect, and open communication in your relationship, regardless of any astrological considerations

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