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  • Sins In Hinduism: 5 Actions That Lead to Karmic Payback

      02 September 2024 •  By : Suman Ghosh  Comments
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    Have you heard “If nothing else, Fear God”? Do you know its meaning? According to Sanatan Dharma, sins in Hinduism are known as Paap, which represent wrongful actions that go against the religion. Divine observe everything you do in your daily life.

    According to Hindu mythology, some actions are considered sins. Human life is affected by ignorance, egoism, selfishness, delusion, desires, and attachments. Let’s explore the top 5 sins in Hinduism that go against Santan dharma.

    Sins In Hinduism: Concept

    In Hinduism, sins are enemies of the mind. The ancient Hindu scriptures like Manu Smriti and Bhagwat Gita show that lust, greed, jealousy, attachments, and laziness are sins. If something does not let your mind at peace, then it is a sin, that goes beyond the teaching of Santan Dharma.

    Moreover, sins mean disobedience to god’s eternal law. Going against god’s will is the greatest sin in the world. So, fearing God and not involve in activities that disconnect you from God is the best way to respect your Dharma.

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    5 Actions That Lead to Karmic Payback

    Some actions done by individuals are sinful in Hinduism. These are the top 5 sins deemed unjustifiable.

    1. Killing cow or Brahmin

    According to Agni Purana, harming or killing a cow is a great sin in Hinduism, and doing these kinds of acts has to bear some consequences. Also, the cow is a sacred symbol of life and it is the beloved creature of Lord Krishna. Feeding and caring for cows will bring peace, prosperity, and harmony.

    And killing Brahmin is the greatest sin, as they are the most important individuals in the Hindu community. Brahmins are priests and knowledgeable people who educate others. So, harming, disrespecting, and killing them, has no escape than to face curses.

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    1. Disrespecting your guru

    Gurus guide their students and bring spiritual progress. They share their lifelong knowledge with their students. So, if you disrespect your gurus, it counts as your wrongdoings and has no escape than to face curses.  

    In ancient times, students stayed in Gurukul, where they gained knowledge and teaching from gurus. The guru’s wife takes care of students, so if someone puts lustful eyes on the guru’s wife, it is a sin in Hinduism.

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    1. Stealing and dishonesty

    According to Sutras and Asteya stealing someone’s property, gold or anything will not be forgiven. Individuals should prohibit such behaviors because it is about individuals’ personalities and intentions. Even though stealing is wrong, it makes natives lose their moral values.

    Sins in Hinduism include dishonesty, which goes against the principle of dharma. The habit of dishonesty questions an individual’s value, resulting in negative karma that makes them suffer for life. so individuals should always be truthful to maintain a righteous life in Hinduism.

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    1. Violence and having sinful thoughts

    In Hinduism, both physical and mental violence are sinful deeds for which individuals have to suffer because of a curse from the divine. Violence and sinful thoughts obstruct sadhana. Doing this act disrespects the principle of righteousness.

    Sinful thoughts like jealousy, hatred, ego, lust, and greed will hinder an individual’s spiritual growth. This will lead to a lack of inner peace. According to Hindu principles, the universe is associated with God. Therefore, one should always have good karma and maintain ethics.

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    1. Consumption of alcohol and other intoxicating things

    Individuals who consume alcohol or any intoxicants, weaken their spirit and minds. They start to hamper your mind, leading to negative thoughts and actions. The individuals are incapable of making decisions leading to criminal behavior.

    According to sins in Hinduism, intoxicated people lose their sense to think wisely. This will lead to making them fall into the trap of unlawful acts. According to Vedas and Upanishads, an intoxicated body tends to become impure.

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