In Vedic astrology, Mangal Dosha is a big deal when it comes to matching horoscopes before getting married.
If a girl's birth chart has Mangal Dosha, but the boy does not, it can lead to a troubled and unhappy marriage. This blog will look at what Mangal Dosha means in a person's horoscope and what it means for them. It will also give your ideas for how to deal with its effects and still have a happy marriage.
What is Kundli making Mangal Dosha?
In Vedic astrology, Mangal Dosha is caused by Mars being in certain places in a person's birth chart. This Dosha can cause problems in a person's marriage, such as fights, misunderstandings, and even divorce.
Here are some common ways that planets can come together to cause Mangal Dosha:
1. Mars is in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th
2. Mars when is close to either Rahu or
3. Mars is in the seventh house, and it faces the 7th
4. Mars is in the eighth house and connects to the 7th
5. The Builder Mars is in the 12th house, meeting the 7th
6. Mars is in the 4th house, and the 7th house is where it makes an
7. Mars is in the first house, and the seventh house is where it makes an angle.
If a person's birth chart has any of the above combinations, they have Mangal Dosha. But the strength of this Dosha can change depending on where other planets are and how strong the horoscope is as a whole. Mangal Dosha can cause problems in a girl's life if it is in her horoscope. These problems include marriage delays, constant fights, and even separation or divorce. Before getting married, taking steps to lessen its effects is important.
Some ways to get rid of the bad effects of Mangal Dosha are to do puja and homa for Lord Hanuman or Lord Kartikeya, say mantras like the Mangal Beej Mantra, wear a certain gemstone like coral, and fast on Tuesdays. Astrology says that a girl's horoscope should be matched with a boy whose horoscope also has Mangal Dosha or whose horoscope has a strong Mars.
What Mangal Dosha does to a marriage?
Many things happen in the lives of women when Mangal Dosha is present. Here are eight things that could happen after a marriage:
How Kuja Dosha Affects a Woman
1. Not getting married right away or having trouble finding the right person
2. Problems and Sadness in married life
3. Chances of marriage problems and divorce go up
4. Health problems, especially those that have to do with the reproductive system
5. Lack of agreement and harmony with the partner
6. Troubles with money and losses
7. Relationships with the in-laws and other family members were
8. Also, there is the chance of being a widow or a single parent.
Here are some ways in which the Mangal Dosha affects a man's marriage: How Kuja Dosha affects men
1. Mangal Dosha can also keep a person from getting married, especially if they are a
2. People with Mangal Dosha may have a lot of fights and disagreements with their
3. Mangal Dosha can cause headaches, accidents, injuries, and the need for surgery, among other health
4. Mangal Dosha can also make money unstable, leading to losses, especially in
5. People who have Mangal Dosha may also have trouble getting along with their in-laws.
6. Mangal Dosha's bad effects can make you feel bad about yourself and lack
7. Mangal Dosha's effects can sometimes also cause mental health
How Mangal Dosha is important in Horoscope matching
Mangal dosha is a very important part of horoscope matching before marriage in Vedic astrology. Mangal dosha can be caused by Mars or Mangal being in certain houses in a person's birth chart. Manglik is the name for someone with Mangal dosha in their horoscope. In horoscope matching, Mangal dosha is the most important factor. If a Manglik person marries someone who is not a Manglik, it can lead to fights, misunderstandings, and even separation or divorce. The Mangal dosha can happen when Mars is in a person's first, second, fourth, seventh, eighth, or twelfth house.
When a Manglik person marries someone who isn't a Manglik, the person who isn't a Manglik will have the bad energy of Mars, which can cause problems in the marriage. But it's important to remember that not all Manglik people have bad things happen in their marriages. How bad the Dosha depends on where Mars is in the horoscope, other factors, and the remedies to lessen its effects. To avoid the bad effects of Mangal dosha, people who want to get married need to match their horoscopes. If both people in a relationship have Mangal dosha, the bad effects can cancel each other out. Mangal dosha's bad effects can also be lessened by reciting mantras, wearing certain gemstones, doing pujas, and other rituals.
How can I tell if my Manglik Dosha is over?
Manglik Dosha, or Mangal Dosha, is a planetary condition that can have a negative impact on a person's marriage according to Vedic astrology. It happens when the planet Mars (Mangal) is in a person's first, second, fourth, seventh, eighth, or twelfth house. Some astrological remedies or finding a partner with the same condition can lessen or even get rid of the effects of Mangal Dosha.
Here are a few ways to find out if your Mangal Dosha is over:
Check your horoscope. To find out if you have Mangal Dosha, you need to see if Mars is in the houses of your horoscope. As mentioned earlier, Mangal Dosha happens when Mars is in any of the houses.
Try to find certain combinations: Mangal Dosha can be fixed by certain planetary combinations. For example, there is no Mangal Dosha if Jupiter is in the ascendant, the fourth house, the seventh house, or the tenth house when a person is born with Mangal Dosha.
Check your partner's horoscope. If you plan to get married, it is important to check your partner's horoscope. If your partner also has Mangal Dosha, the effects of the Dosha are cancelled.
Talk to an Astrologer: You can find out if your Mangal Dosha is over by talking to an experienced astrologer. They can look at your birth chart and tell you the best ways to get rid of Dosha's effects.
Pay attention to your married life: If you are already married, you can look at your marriage to see if Mangal Dosha is making things worse. The Dosha may no longer apply if you and your partner are happy and your marriage is stable.
Can a Manglik girl marry a non-Manglik boy?
In Vedic astrology, a Manglik girl can marry a boy who is not a Manglik, but this could be bad for their lives. In her horoscope, the girl's Manglik Dosha can cause arguments, fights, and divorce. To avoid these bad things, the girl should do certain things before she gets married. Ultimately, it's up to the girl and her family to decide if she wants to marry a boy who isn't Manglik. Before making a choice, they should carefully think about everything.
People believe that Mangal Dosha can cause problems and fights in a marriage, so it is important to do some remedies to lessen its effects. Talk to the best astrologers by visiting and find out if you can marry a "Manglik."