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Product Details

Shri Santan Gopal Yantra
₹ 1000 ₹1600
  • 1
  • Shree Santan Gopal Yantra is a powerful astrological tool used to seek the blessings of Lord Krishna for healthy offspring. It is a sacred geometric design that is believed to remove the obstacles and complications in pregnancy and childbirth. The Santan Gopal Yantra is designed with specific sacred symbols and mantras that help in promoting the health and well-being of both the mother and child. It is typically placed in a prominent location in the home or temple and is worshipped with devotion and sincerity to attract the blessings of Lord Krishna and to ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy and childbirth.

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    Frequently Asked Questions:


    Q: What is Shree Santan Gopal Yantra?

    Ans: Shree Santan Gopal Yantra is a sacred geometric symbol dedicated to Lord Krishna in his form as Santan Gopal, the bestower of offspring and blessings to couples seeking children.


    Q: Where should I place the Shree Santan Gopal Yantra?

    Ans: The Shree Santan Gopal Yantra is typically placed in the prayer room or the couple's bedroom, facing east or northeast.


    Q: Can anyone use Shree Santan Gopal Yantra?

    Ans: Yes, Shree Santan Gopal Yantra can be used by couples who are trying to conceive or wish to ensure the well-being and happiness of their children.

    We have a 7-day return and replacement policy if the product is damaged or defective. This merchandise will be dispatched to you once the astrologer has energised it for up to 2 or 3 days. The delivery time is predicted to be 7 to 10 days.

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