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  • 4 Unemotional Zodiac sign

      01 April 2024 •  By : Dhwani Astro  Comments
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    One need only look into individual lives to witness the fact that no sign is more devoid of emotional life than the other. In this blog, we're going to explore the captivating area of astrology and identify the 4 unmoved by the events of life signs.


    One of the first pickings of a Capricorn is portrayed as a person who is enduringly practical and steady-minded. Capricorn is symbolized and ruled by Saturn, the planet of self-controlled and logical thinking, thus it makes emotion indolent. Capricorn's dominant passion and quest to achieve something unrivaled in life can sometimes overshadow their softer feelings, as a result, they sometimes come off as remotely detached.

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    But it doesn't matter to Aquarians that they are good with abstract thinking and self-sufficient because it doesn't matter to them. Aquarius is notably governed more rationally by the planet of innovation, Uranus, and they experience independent thinking equipped with a keen, analytical mind that dares them to tackle every situation with reasoning and objectivity. Regarding human connection, these people might feel uneasy about demonstrating their feelings candidly, but to preserve that not sympathetic identity, they simply prefer to be detached.

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    The Virgo is endowed with the discipline to scrutinize the financial and accounting details. Virgo sign is classified under the Mercury influence, the planet representing communication, they do an excellent job of critical thinking and solving dilemmas. They are a kind of potpourri of feelings yet at the same time, they feel trapped in themselves as they prefer the logical perception of life over expression of emotions. this constant identification of those who are different often makes them wrongfully labeled as cold and without emotions, which is in sheer contrast with the realness of their compassion.

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    Being highly passionate and somewhat emotional people is what Scorpios are known for. Scorpio is under Pluto, their planet of transformation, so they are pervious to high feelings, while at the same time, their strong self-control commands them. Although it could be seen as alien observing their behavior, it is just an emotional process that happens mostly in an internal environment. Their ability to categorize emotions can sometimes be misunderstood as emotional detachment.

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