The Power of Ketu Stotram: Benefits and Detailed Guideline of Pavitra Mantra
केतु स्तोत्रम्
केतु:काल: कलयिता धूम्रकेतुर्विवर्णक: ।
लोककेतुर्महाकेतु:सर्वकेतुर्भयप्रद: ।।1।।
रौद्रो रूद्रप्रियो रूद्र: क्रूरकर्मा सुगन्ध्रक्।
फलाशधूमसंकाशश्चित्रयज्ञोपवीतधृक् ।।2।।
तारागणविमर्दो च जैमिनेयो ग्रहाधिप: ।
पंचविंशति नामानि केतुर्य: सततं पठेत् ।।3।।
तस्य नश्यंति बाधाश्चसर्वा: केतुप्रसादत: ।
धनधान्यपशूनां च भवेद् व्रद्विर्नसंशय: ।।4।।
Ketu Stotram: Meaning in English
Ketu: time: the calibrator, the smoke-ketu, the discolourer.
The flag of the world is the fantastic flag, and the flag of all is the cause of fear.
Raudra is dear to Rudra, and Rudra is heartless and fragrant.
He looked like fruit and smoke and wore a colourful sacrificial veil.
Jaimini is the lord of the planets, and Vimarda is the constellation of stars.
He recites the twenty-five names of Ketu constantly.
By the grace of Ketu, all his obstacles are destroyed.
Wealth, grain, and cattle will undoubtedly increase.
Know more: Brahma Muhurta for Success and its Importance
Ketu Stotram: Meaning in Hindi
केतु:समय: अंशशोधक, धुआं-केतु, रंग बिगाड़ने वाला।
संसार का ध्वज शानदार ध्वज है, और सभी का ध्वज भय का कारण है।
रुद्र को रौद्र प्रिय है और रुद्र हृदयहीन और सुगंधित है।
वह फल और धुएं की तरह दिखता था और एक रंगीन बलिदान घूंघट पहनता था।
जैमिनी ग्रहों का स्वामी है,और विमर्दा नक्षत्र है।
वह केतु के पच्चीस नामों का निरंतर जप करता है।
केतु की कृपा से उसकी सभी बाधाएं नष्ट हो जाती हैं।
धन-धान्य एवं पशुधन में निःसंदेह वृद्धि होगी।
Ketu Stotra: About
In Vedic astrology, Ketu is known as the shadow planet and influences people’s lives. Stotras are short phrases used to worship divine lords. The Ketu Stotra is mentioned in Skanda Purana, one of the greatest Mukhyspuranas. This Stotra holds the power to control the malefic Ketu in an individual’s birth chart. It also attracts harmony and controls difficult situations in one's life.
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Ketu mantra benefits and chanting tips
Before you start incorporating the habit of chanting Kthe etu Stotram, it's a good idea to learn about the benefits of the Ketu mantra and some tips for chanting it.
- Ketu Stotra will be beneficial for controlling the adverse effects of planet Ketu.
- This Stotra will help you evict minor health issues and deadly diseases.
- Reciting it daily will remove the fear of evil, keep your mind calm and balanced, and help you handle challenging situations.
- If you are on a spiritual journey, reciting Stotra related to Ketu will be helpful. Lord Ketu’s positive energies will improve your spiritual knowledge and experiences.
- If you belong to Ashvini, Magha, or Mula Nakshatra, the Ketu Stotra will guide you because Ketu is the God of all these 3 Nakshatras.
Ketu Stotram benefits for spiritual growth
If you are new to this, then our guidelines will help you learn about how to chant them to make the most of it.
- You need to find a quiet place to settle down and be comfortable so that nothing will disturb you during the prayers.
- Then recite Ketu Stotra with devotion and try to connect with your inner self.
- Ketu Stotra is a verbal form of prayer in which you chant the prayers. So, make sure you read and chant all lines with proper pronunciation.
- Doing japs during chanting will be a great way to focus and concentrate, allowing you to fully involve in the prayers.
- Keep your eye closed while chanting Ketu Stotra will help you to connect with the divine. This is the best way to protect yourself from the outer distractions.
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