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  • Major Astrological Dates in the Year 2024

      05 January 2024 •  By : Dhwani Astro  Comments
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    Pluto in Aquarius

    For the next 19 years, Pluto will be in Aquarius. Pluto is said to be the planet of the underworld. It is linked with transformation, rebirth, the unconscious, empowerment, and excavation. Whatever is unseen, mysterious, and inside is represented by Pluto. Pluto is a slow-moving, outer planet and spends up to 21 years in every zodiac sign. When it changes its position, it leads to an entirely new era for the collective. This shift is felt deeply.

    Aquarius is an air sign and is all about innovation and change. Aquarius is looking towards the future trying to find a new, better way. It is evolution itself and serves humanity and the collective good. Pluto will be in Aquarius sign from January 20, 2024, to September 1, 2024, and then again from November 19, 2024, until March 8, 2043.

    This signifies a new beginning for us as a collective where we will feel intense and transformative power dynamics. We will be urged to reconsider the status quo and question our societal foundations. It will be an opportunity to empower ourselves. Aquarius, in its symbol, pours water into the collective from its sacred vessel. The water here signifies new ways of doing and thinking.

    Four Eclipses in 2024

    There will be 4 eclipses in the year 2024. First, on 25 March 2024, there will be a Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. Second, on 8 April 2024, there will be an Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse. Third, on 17 September 2024, there will be a Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. Lastly, on 2 October 2024, there will be a Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse.

    All four of these eclipses in 2024 will be transformative. Eclipses are symbolic of old endings and new beginnings, and thus, are the cycle of life. They are dynamic so they die and get reborn. Every year, we meet four eclipses. These eclipses are inviting and remind us of inner courage to be who we are. They are helping us claim our best lives by connecting to the Source deep within us. They inspire us to claim our power unapologetically and ask us to step into our best timelines.

    Jupiter in Gemini | Jupiter Conjunct Uranus in Taurus

    Astrologically, Jupiter is the planet of expansion. Whatever it touches it is magnified. Jupiter’s energy is all about potential, opportunity, optimism, and hope. Uranus, on the other hand, is our planet of change. It removes the old and makes space for the new. It is all about liberation, innovation, freedom, and inspiration. It is associated with the evolution of humanity and awakening consciousness. It also plays out in wild and impactful ways.

    When Jupiter conjuncts Uranus on April 20, 2024, it will be a deeply spiritual experience for us. Fresh and innovative energies will be abundant, and we will be called to explore new paradigms, within and outside of us.

    Jupiter will be in Gemini from May 25, 2024, to June 9, 2025, it will all be about an exciting and energizing energy in astrology. Gemini is all about mind and communication and is ruled by Mercury. This conjunct will be an opportunity for curiosity, learning, and building confidence. Make space for different ways of being and communicating to make the best use of this energy.

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