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  • Mercury transit in Taurus promises a thriving professional life for most

      08 April 2024 •  By : Dhwani Astro  Comments
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    Mercury transit in Taurus date and time

    Mercury transit in Taurus date: - 31st may 2024 (Friday)

    Mercury transit in Taurus time: - 12:20 PM

    Mercury the prince of the planet, will transit from Aries to Taurus sign and stay in Taurus till 14th June 2024. It remains in one particular zodiac sign for about 3 weeks.

    The Mercury Transit 2024 will offer different results for each zodiac because Taurus holds different houses in the birth chart of the zodiac. The effect of transit differs based on the position and state of the planet in a person’s birth chart and if they undergoing Maha Dasha, Antra Dasha, or Pratyantardasha of the planet. Mercury’s transit will give better results if an individual has mercury’s Dasha going on. 

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    The general effects of mercury transit in Taurus

    When mercury transits in the Taurus, it affects communication, thought processes, and mental activities, which are qualities that are related to mercury and Taurus.

    During this transit, your thinking be inclined to be practical, focused on visible results, and oriented towards real-world applications. Communication is inclined to be stable, deliberate, and measured. People might choose their words carefully and express themselves dependably.

    Also, communication during this transition might be more value-driven, with individuals expressing their opinions and ideas that line up with their values. Ethics and principles might play a crucial role in the discussion.

    Mercury in Taurus also motivates a patient and deliberate thought process. Individuals might take their time to search for information and make decisions.

    There might be an increased focus on financial matters like a discussion about budgeting, investment, and practical financial planning might take priority.

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    The major impact of mercury transit in Taurus on an individual’s life


    Mercury in a Taurus sign as the third and the sixth lord becomes the lord of the second house respectively during Mercury's transit. However, this situation may not be taken well by the native peoples because their financial and mental condition will not be stable for the time of the process.

    Remedy –Give the “Om Narasimhaya Namaha” mantra a complete session of 41 times a day.

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    Taurus individuals with Mercury as the second and fifth lord and residing in the ascendant denote few particularities in at least a few ways. As a result, manual laborers are the ones more likely to get jobs and be more fulfilled economically. Tara may not want Remarkable gains during the transit of Mercury in Taurus. This might also enhance their concentration on their family’s development and its smooth functioning.

    Remedy- Like this, utter “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya” repeatedly, 21 times.

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    Gemini natives with Mercury's influence on the first and the fourth house rises, and it is placed in the hangover house. The malefic influence of Mercury for the Libra, it is believed, will deliver less benefit to the significators in the twelfth house, if placed at the time of prevailing Mars. We will face the odds family and health problems may bring to these immigrants. The native may not find this happiness phase of Taurus transit and the suggestion can help them to get appropriate remedies. Unlike the majority of my peers who have not acquired passports before, I may need some additional spending which rep Hayat pays while being on the way to this flight

    Remedy - Citing the mantra “Om Namah Shivaya” daily and 21 times.

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    For the Cancerians, the Mercury is the 3rd and 12th house owner. It is located in the House of Friendship (11th position). Natives of the time may experience little gain and hence have to go through the accountancy exercise of striking an equilibrium between revenues and cost. An individual may be at a high risk of encountering such events as stolen finances or items while they are under Mercury Transit in Taurus.

    Remedy – Chanting “Om Chandraya Namaha” every day 11 times a day.

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    Moon ruler of the second and the eleventh house, becomes the primary planet which is positioned in the tenth house. The Mercury Transit in Taurus is not a highly appropriate time for the natives to look surprised and the luck will not be kind to them. Natives need to focus on their routine plan, organize it, and function in these activities to have tremendous gains as well as joy. It may be imperative for these target groups to desist from actions that are of big importance.

    Remedy- Invoke Vishnu Sahasranamam regularly in your routine.

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    For the natives of Virgo, Mercury is the first and tenth house ruler. As a result of this situation, the Mercury planet has adopted the ninth house. Firstly, people belonging to this sign have the potential to succeed greatly and remain efficient, which ensures that they can perform well in their jobs. It may be an exciting journey for the said sign's natives in particular that is natives during this period.

    Remedy - Conduct yagya-havan, especially for the planet Mercury on a wednesday.

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    In his chart, Mercury holds first place in the ninth and twelfth house as it is located in the eighth house. As a result of this, the natives may bear fewer benefits and as well perpetuate the notion of injustice and solace in what they do. But, as for unfortunate cases, where benefits push back, there would be job gains and high satisfaction rates in careers for natives of this sign. On the other side, natives may enjoy receiving the unexpected type of benefits as a gift in inheritance for example. Lots of satisfaction can be obtained following this.

    Remedy- Pray “Om Sri Durgaya Namaha” 11 times every day.

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    Scorpio here is the eighth and eleventh lord of Mercury and Mercury the planet rules the seventh house. This scenario may spell some ambivalence whereby poor relations with the partner and friends' connective-ness will be observed. It may both win and lose an airline on this journey.

    Remedy -As the breathing and the energic chants instruct, you can try to vocalize the “Om Bhaumaya Namah” mantra while breathing in & out mindfully, daily.

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    mercury may come out as the regular and cable measures and shall be in the sixth house of sagittate natives. However, because of the following facts, natives can probably have less success with making a relationship with their life mate. Hence assimilation or adjustment is the scale with which the happy native keeps it to remain happy.

    Remedy - Go for Yagya or Havan for Jupiter on Thursdays.

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    For the Capricorn moon sign holders, Mercury is the sixth and ninth house lord while the house he surrenders is the fifth house. Capricorn natives whose Mercury is in a fortunate position will experience many gains. Therefore, people who according to this sign are native will be able to find this topic rather appealing and, will start developing the same interests in it too. The residents are likely to face additional travel, especially when it comes to having long distances to their usual places. For the native communities, this passage would presumably be more about consistency in efforts. They may become more socially oriented and community-centric.

    Remedy: -Take part in the Savitri-Homa or Saturna-Homa at home by performing Yagyas, especially on Saturday.

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    Aquarius is under the influence of Mercury, which will be its fifth and eighth house lordships and will be located in the fourth house. The connection of the natives of this sign to their families is an interesting phenomenon as some good and other bad outcomes are connected with it as well. At that time of the transition period, it could be okay that the natives also start investing in buying property but be able to gain from the same. Interesting may be formed in music which may be high for both the natives and the natives during this planetary transit.

    Remedy - Chant "Om Hanuma Te Namaha" every day.

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    The house of Pisces people includes the 4th and 7th from the mercury and the mercury sits on the 3rd. Talking about the career aspect, this period of Mercury might be extremely slow and bring light to the people to advance in their careers. Workhouse for these may be possible while Mercury Transit happening in Taurus Idol. And others for them this new phenomenon brings agency, they will move to another country in search of better prospects.

    Remedy - Create donation outings for revered elders every Thursday.

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