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  • Shivaratri - The Night of the Dark One

      22 February 2024 •  Posted By DhwaniAstro  Comments
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    Shivaratri - The Night of the Dark One

    The 14th night of the lunar month (the night before the new moon) is the darkest night of the month. It is known as Shivaratri. “Shiva” refers to “Adi Yogi” the 1st yogi and the other aspect of the word is “that which is not”. Today’s modern science thinks the whole creation comes from nothing and will go back to nothing. So, we refer to shiva as the basis of existence.

    If we talk about the word “Shivaratri” it means Shiva’s night. Creation is just a tiny thing, there is a vast emptiness which is the big thing. Creation is done in the lap of emptiness. The whole creation is done in Shiva’s lap and mentions Shiva as the “Dark one”. Sarcastically, modern scientists are mentioning that which holds everything together in this existence as dark energy. They are saying it is dark energy because they are not able to tell it in any other way and are unable to grasp the nature of what it is.

    So, this whole Shiva thing is not about some god up there, this is just a physical science expressed in an analytical format, it is a few ways of expression, but this is just telling the physical nature of existence.

    One of the names of Shiva is “Bhuteshwara” the lord of elements. On Shivaratri, there is the natural rise of energies in your physiology. To make use of this time there is a specific Sadhana in yoga. whether it is individual or larger celestial bodies, fundamentally they are made of Pancha Bhutas or 5 elements- earth, water, fire, air, and space. This Pancha Bhutas Aradhana creates a powerful possibility where you can combine your system and allow the 5 elements in your body to attach much better.

    From one body to another, how well merged these 5 elements control almost everything about that person. If this body has to become a walking stone for a greater possibility, the system must be properly merged. The air that you breathe, the water you drink, the food you eat, the land you walk upon, and the fire of life in the form of the life force, are the ingredients with which your physical self is made. If you keep these in control, vibrant, and focused, health, well-being, and success in the world are guaranteed.

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