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Product Details

Cat Eye Stone Pendant (1 Piece)- Abhimantrit & Certified
₹ 699 ₹1499
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  • Cat Eye stone harnesses the moon’s energy. It is a translucent stone with a pearly opalescent look. It comes in various colors: white, grey, orange, green, blue, pink, brown, and rainbow. Moonstone carries feminine energy and is amazing for womxn who are expecting. It also symbolizes new beginnings. It is a tool for divination and channeling divine wisdom. It is found in many countries like Sri Lanka, Norway, Australia, India, and Madagascar.

    There are many benefits and healing properties of moonstone, including:

    Helps you connect with the Moon
    Helps you connect with your intuition
    Soothes emotional stability
    Promotes inspiration
    Encourages psychic abilities
    Deflects negativity
    Balances divine feminine energy
    Helps with hormonal balance
    Helps with fertility issues
    Aids PMS
    Brings comfort and peace
    Enhances harmony
    Activates third eye and crown chakra

    We have a 7-day return and replacement policy if the product is damaged or defective. This merchandise will be dispatched to you once the astrologer has energised it for up to 2 or 3 days. The delivery time is predicted to be 7 to 10 days.

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