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Product Details

Hanuman Yantra
₹ 1000 ₹1600
  • 1
  • Hanuman Yantra is a sacred symbol associated with Lord Hanuman, the epitome of devotion, strength, and courage in Hindu mythology. This Yantra represents the divine energy and blessings of Lord Hanuman. By meditating upon or worshipping the Hanuman Yantra, one can seek protection from negative influences, gain courage, overcome obstacles, and experience spiritual growth. The Yantra's intricate design channels the divine energy of Lord Hanuman, helping devotees develop unwavering faith and dedication. It serves as a powerful tool to invoke the blessings of Lord Hanuman and receive his divine grace for strength, protection, and spiritual transformation.

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    Frequently Asked Questions:


    Q: What is Hanuman Yantra?

    Ans: Hanuman Yantra is a sacred symbol associated with Lord Hanuman, the embodiment of strength, devotion, and protection in Hindu mythology.


    Q: How does Hanuman Yantra benefit devotees?

    Ans: Hanuman Yantra is believed to provide protection from negative energies, bless with strength, courage, and fearlessness, and assist in overcoming obstacles and challenges in life.


    Q: Where should I place the Hanuman Yantra?

    Ans: The Hanuman Yantra is typically placed in the prayer room or sacred space, facing east or northeast, and preferably on a clean and elevated platform.


    Q: Can anyone use the Hanuman Yantra?

    Ans: Yes, anyone seeking the divine blessings of Lord Hanuman for protection, courage, and overcoming obstacles can use the Hanuman Yantra, irrespective of their religious beliefs.

    We have a 7-day return and replacement policy if the product is damaged or defective. This merchandise will be dispatched to you once the astrologer has energised it for up to 2 or 3 days. The delivery time is predicted to be 7 to 10 days.

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