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Product Details

Laghu Nariyal
₹ 799 ₹1100
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  • The Laghu coconut is a little coconut the size of a betel nut with three eyes that is extremely rare to come across. Lakshmi is said to be bestowed by the Laghu coconut. It bestows money and all of life's comforts. Laghu coconut should be stored at a puja altar or locker on a white cloth. In front of the laghu coconut, incense should be lit, and white rice and milk should be offered. The goddess Mahalakshmi is said to live forever where this laghu coconut is planted.

    Q: What is a Laghu Nariyal?
    Ans: Laghu Nariyal, also known as Mini Coconut or Small Coconut, is a small-sized coconut commonly used in Hindu rituals and ceremonies for auspicious purposes.
    Q: What is the significance of Laghu Nariyal?
    Ans: Laghu Nariyal is believed to be a symbol of blessings, fertility, prosperity, and good fortune. It is considered sacred and is often used to seek the blessings of deities like Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi.
    Q: Can Laghu Nariyal be kept at home?
    Ans: Yes, Laghu Nariyal can be kept at home for positive energies and blessings. It is believed to attract prosperity and ward off negative energies. It is commonly placed in the puja room or near the entrance of the house.

    We have a 7-day return and replacement policy if the product is damaged or defective. This merchandise will be dispatched to you once the astrologer has energised it for up to 2 or 3 days. The delivery time is predicted to be 7 to 10 days.

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