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Product Details

Removes Negative and Evil energy Bracelet (Turquoise)- Abhimantrit & Certified
₹ 699 ₹1199
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  • Turquoise is a serene blue-coloured stone. It is known for its ability to cleanse negative energy. It can also bring in good fortune. It is associated with the throat chakra and enables truthful communication for the wearer. It promotes self-awareness and soothes misunderstandings. It fosters a sense of peace and security.


    Heals throat issues

    Activates the throat chakra

    Heals sore throat

    Heals respiratory issues and allergies

    Healing stone for your mental health

    Brings serenity and peace

    Helps you align to a better timeline

    Connects you with your truth

    Q. Can the Turquoise Bracelet help with specific health conditions?
    While the bracelet is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical conditions, some people believe that it can help with anxiety, depression, and other emotional or mental health issues. The bracelet is also believed to have grounding and balancing effects that can promote physical wellness. However, it is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before using any alternative therapies.
    Q. How do I wear the Turquoise Bracelet?
    The bracelet can be worn on either wrist and should fit comfortably without being too tight or too loose. It is recommended to wear the bracelet regularly to experience its full benefits.
    Q. How do I care for my Turquoise  Bracelet?
    To keep the bracelet looking its best, wipe it with a damp cloth and mild soap. Do not expose the bracelet to harsh chemicals or prolonged sunlight, as this can damage the stones and the cord.
    Q. Can anyone wear the Turquoise Bracelet?
    . Yes, the bracelet can be worn by anyone regardless of their age or gender. The bracelet is believed to offer benefits for emotional balance, spiritual growth, and protection against negative energy.

    We have a 7-day return and replacement policy if the product is damaged or defective. This merchandise will be dispatched to you once the astrologer has energised it for up to 2 or 3 days. The delivery time is predicted to be 7 to 10 days.

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