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Product Details

Swastik Pyramid
₹ 2000 ₹2300
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  • Swastik Pyramid is a potent fusion of two sacred symbols, the Swastika and the Pyramid. This unique combination creates a powerful tool for harnessing positive energies and promoting harmony. The Swastika represents good fortune and auspiciousness, while the Pyramid symbolizes spiritual energy and balance. Together, they form a harmonious synergy that attracts positive vibrations, wards off negativity, and creates a conducive environment for personal growth and well-being. The Swastik Pyramid is widely used in spiritual practices, meditation, and Vastu Shastra to bring about a sense of positivity, protection, and balance in one's surroundings.

    Q: What is a Swastik Pyramid?
    The Swastik Pyramid is a unique combination of two sacred symbols, the Swastika and the Pyramid, creating a powerful spiritual tool.
    Q: What does the Swastik symbol represent?
    The Swastik is an ancient symbol that represents good fortune, positivity, and auspiciousness in various cultures and religions.
    Q: What does the Pyramid symbolize?
    The Pyramid is a symbol of spiritual energy and balance, often associated with enhancing meditation, focus, and positive vibrations.

    We have a 7-day return and replacement policy if the product is damaged or defective. This merchandise will be dispatched to you once the astrologer has energised it for up to 2 or 3 days. The delivery time is predicted to be 7 to 10 days.

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