Tulsi Mala - Abhimantrit & Certified

Tulsi Mala - Abhimantrit & Certified
₹ 2150 ₹2499
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  • Q: How many beads are there in the Tulsi Mala?
    A: The Tulsi Mala has 108 beads, which is considered a sacred number in Hindu and Buddhist traditions.
    Q: How can I use the Tulsi Mala for meditation?
    A: Hold the Tulsi Mala in your right hand and use your thumb to count each bead as you recite your mantra or affirmation. When you reach the 108th bead, you can start again from the beginning or simply hold the mala in your hand during meditation to benefit from its positive energy.
    Q: Is the Tulsi Mala suitable for daily wear?
    A: Yes, the Tulsi Mala is designed to be worn as a necklace or wrapped around your wrist as a bracelet, making it a perfect companion for your daily devotional practice.
    Q: Can I use the Tulsi Mala for protection?
    A: Yes, the Tulsi Mala is believed to have protective properties and can be used as a talisman to ward off negative energies and bring positive vibes into your life.
    Q: Is the Tulsi Mala suitable for gift giving?
    A: Yes, the Tulsi Mala makes a thoughtful and meaningful gift for spiritual seekers, meditators, and those who value the power of sacred tools in their spiritual practice.

    We have a 7-day return and replacement policy if the product is damaged or defective. This merchandise will be dispatched to you once the astrologer has energised it for up to 2 or 3 days. The delivery time is predicted to be 7 to 10 days.