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Product Details

Yellow Cowrie
₹ 399 ₹699
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  • In the worship of Goddess Mahalaxmi and Lord Vishnu, Yellow Cowrie is extremely important. Yellow Cowrie is also used in Goddess Baglamukhi's puja. With the help of Yellow Cowrie, many spiritual and tantrik pooja processes are done effectively. Yellow Cowrie is utilised to counteract Jupiter's planetary influence and the malefic influences of Ketu and Rahu. People with limited money but high wages should store 11 Yellow Cowrie in the north-west corner of their room. Lord Kuber and goddess Lakshmi shower their blessings on it. Kauri is given to the goddess Lakshmi in exchange for wealth and prosperity.

    Q: What is Yellow Cowrie and what is its significance?
    Ans: Yellow Cowrie is a small seashell with a bright yellow color. It holds great significance in many cultures and spiritual practices, symbolizing prosperity, protection, and abundance.
    Q: How can Yellow Cowrie be used in spiritual rituals and practices?
    Ans: Yellow Cowrie can be used as a sacred offering, incorporated into altar decorations, or worn as jewelry. It is believed to attract wealth, ward off negative energies, and enhance spiritual connections.
    Q: Can Yellow Cowrie be used for divination or fortune-telling?
    Ans: Yes, Yellow Cowrie shells have been traditionally used in divination practices. They can be tossed and interpreted to gain insights and guidance on various aspects of life, such as career, relationships, and finance.

    We have a 7-day return and replacement policy if the product is damaged or defective. This merchandise will be dispatched to you once the astrologer has energised it for up to 2 or 3 days. The delivery time is predicted to be 7 to 10 days.

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